On November 6, 2023, NJPN will host a Professional Development Day at our headquarters in Tinton Falls, NJ for those interested or currently working within the continuum of care.
NJPN’s Professional Development Day offers a unique opportunity to learn about careers in the prevention, peer recovery, and clinical addiction workforce, and participants will also have a chance to get professional headshots, meet with a career counselor, and speak one-on-one with NJPN staff in the prevention, peer, and clinical spaces!

These events are an important opportunity to gain new insights and experience related to your career in the field of addiction and is all about building the necessary
skills and knowledge to succeed and improve our day-to-day services and further our career trajectories.
Professional development can take the form of skills training, workshops, engaging with professional organizations, attending conferences, and attending professional development events, to just name a few examples.
Opportunities like this have been vital in the development of my professional identity. Attending conferences and workshops and participating in professional organizations have all helped me improve my skills as a counselor, supervisor, and educator and provided me with experiences to understand where my skills and passion best fit in the addiction workforce.
Additionally, professional development events have given me the space to network with other professionals in my discipline, and my professional network has helped me in two significant ways:
First, my network has helped me further my career as individuals have alerted me to career opportunities that they felt I was a good fit for that I had not yet heard about. Second, having a network spanning the entire state has assisted me with referrals for my clients to ensure they receive services that set them up for the best integrative care possible.
This event will be held on Monday, November 6, 2023, from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at our office located at 30 Park Rd Suite 2, Tinton Falls, NJ 07724. Walk-ins are welcome, but pre-registration is highly recommended due to a limited number of available appointments.
Please note: Those who “walk in” will only have the chance to receive professional head shots and meet with a career counselor if there are appointments available, with the final appointments beginning at 3:45 p.m.
We hope to see you on November 6th!

Victoria Nagel LCADC, CCS, LPC, NCC, ACS, BC-TMH is the Clinical Workforce Director at NJPN. Victoria has over ten years of experience in substance use disorder treatment, working in several different direct-client care positions including support staff, SUD counselor, co-occurring counselor, and clinical supervisors. She has also worked in administrative roles as a program director and clinical administrator.
Victoria is currently enrolled in a Ph.D. program for Counselor Education and Supervision at Walden University and serves as an emerging editorial board member for the Journal of Addiction and Offender Counseling. Her master’s degree is in counseling from Caldwell University, and she took her initial LCADC coursework through NJPN.