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As of November 1st, 2017, you must be 21 years and older to buy tobacco products, including e-cigarettes in NJ.

As a tobacco retailer it is your job to comply with NJ state law to not sell tobacco products, including e-cigarettes to those under 21. Tobacco Free for a Healthy NJ has created a program for merchants called, STOMP. The Stop Tobacco Offenses Merchant Program (STOMP) was created to help educate merchants like you & give you the opportunity to join the community as a merchant who cares about youth. We encourage you to use this information to help comply with NJ state law. Below are some resources that you can use to to help comply with  NJ state law. 

Responsible Retailer Pledge –  Show your support for the youth of your community by reading, following & signing the Responsible Retailer Pledge. 

NJ Tobacco 21 Law Details & Employee Education – this document can be used to help you educate your employees on the proper way to check an I.D.

On November 1, 2017, New Jersey’s new law raising the age for purchasing tobacco products and electronic smoking devices from 19 to 21 takes effect.  Raising the minimum age to 21 helps protect New Jersey youth from the deadly effects of tobacco use. Pictured left is the official New Jersey Department of Health (NJDOH) signage for the tobacco retailers. This sign is REQUIRED by the NJDOH to be displayed in all store that hold a tobacco license as well as stores that sell electronic smoking devices. New Jersey is the third state in the nation to raise the smoking-purchase age to 21 following Hawaii and California.  Approximately 13.5% of New Jersey adults between ages 18 and 24 smoke, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  About 11,800 adults die annually in this state from smoking-related illnesses.

Responsible Retailer Pledge
Tobacco 21 Law Details & Employee Education
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